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One of the steps on the way from the idea to the implementation or renewal of production or part of it is a well-executed construction, overhaul, technical re-equipment project.  

Integrated design from FAVEA-Center is the development of projects in full compliance with the requirements of international standards GMP, GDP, GLP EU, ISPE, ISO and national regulations.

In accordance with accepted standards, design is carried out in one or in two stages.


At the first stage (the Project stage, then the “P” stage) decisions are made without detailing that embody the general terms of reference of the customer for technical re-equipment, reconstruction or construction. Based on this design stage, a building permit is obtained and an updated estimate is developed. This stage reflects the main design and architectural and planning solutions, determines the production technology, equipment, resources and energy carriers necessary for both the construction and operation of the facility. The prepared documentation of the “P” stage is sent for approval to the Customer and, after all the comments have been eliminated, is accepted by him. Acceptance of the documentation by the Customer, as well as a positive conclusion of the state examination, which is mandatory in some cases, allows the preparation of the next stage of design - the preparation of working documentation "P".

At the second stagedevelopment of project documentation ("R"), solutions, structures, units approved at the "P" stage are specified and detailed, working drawings, local estimates and documentation necessary for the production of construction and installation works are drawn up. "Working documentation" - these are the drawings and textual material that is used directly at the construction site (documentation of the "P" stage, as a rule, is not transferred to the builders).

If it is necessary to assess the very possibility of realizing the investor's intentions, as well as to outline ways and means of implementing industrial and non-industrial facilities, there is a so-called pre-project study - Concept design.


A carefully crafted conceptual design provides a clear basis for further decisions. One of the key factors affecting the quality of the conceptual design is reliable initial data, their completeness and subsequent analysis.

When developing a conceptual design, all technological and design solutions are taken in accordance with the requirements of GOSTs, the requirements of local norms and rules, as well as in accordance with the data and recommendations of the Customer.


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